Waconia Theater
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season! Hopefully you get your last-minute gifts bought and your cookies made. At least you don’t have to worry about the snow this year. 🙂
Waconia Theater
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season! Hopefully you get your last-minute gifts bought and your cookies made. At least you don’t have to worry about the snow this year. 🙂
Free Pickup:
On Saturday, January 5th, local youth groups will be collecting trees curbside in the cities of Hamburg, Norwood Young America, Waconia and Watertown. Have your tree on the curb by 8:00 a.m. on that day.
Drop Off:
From January 1st – 31st, Christmas trees and wreaths can be brought to the following locations:
Carver County Environmental Center
116 Peavey Circle,
Wed 12:00 noon – 7:00 p.m., Thur 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Sat 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
NYA Residential Recycling Drop Off Site
West Railroad St & Co Rd 33
Wed 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Sat 8:00 a.m. – 12 noon
From December 31st – January 14th, Christmas trees and wreaths can be brought to the following locations:
Cologne Residential Recycling Drop Off Site
304 W Louis St (City Public Works Gated Area)
Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., 1st & 3rd Saturday
New Germany City Shed
Located just north of Co Rd 30 & Co Rd 33
Mayer Community Center Parking Lot
413 Bluejay Ave N, Mayer
Waste Management: If you currently have Waste Management garbage service with Unlimited Yard Waste Service, your Christmas tree may be picked up the week of January 4th and January 18th at no additional cost.
If you do not have yard waste service, please call your Waste Management Customer Service Center to have your tree picked up for just $5.00.
DO NOT include ornaments, stands, lights, artificial trees and wire wreaths. Please remove trees and wreaths from plastic bags. The trees and wreaths will be chipped and used for compost or mulch.
Have you been out to Z’s yet to get your Christmas tree? We have!
Actually, this is only my second real Christmas tree ever and the first time I’ve ever gone to cut one. We went out on Saturday morning in the cold and snow. For newbies, Z’s was a great choice. They were friendly and told us how it’d work. We then hoped on a wagon to go out and find a tree.
Now I wasn’t to sure about cutting my own, but the saws they provided cut through that tree like a hot knife though butter. They then put it on the wagon and back to the main farm.
We were also a bit concerned about fitting it in my little Ford Focus. However, they hauled it to my car and put it in and bungeed down my trunk. They did all the work for us and we were quite impressed.
Trees are $40 for long needle, $60 for short. I don’t know how that compares as I’ve never been out to cut my own tree before, but it was the experience we paid for. And a good experience at that.
Z’s Trees also has precut Christmas trees, wreaths & roping, landscape evergreens, fireplace wood and custom log sawing.
Z’s Trees is technically in Cologne but it’s really just outside Waconia on 284. Between Highway 5 and 212.
Z’s Trees – John M Zimmerman
10850 110th Street
Cologne, MN 55322
It is almost that time (man has this month gone by fast) Christmas time!! Last night we toured around Waconia looking for great lights and there are plenty to be found. Including one house off 284 that has lights to music!
What houses in the area have you seen? Share address or general locations and we can all enjoy them. Or, post links to your photos below so we can check them out from the comfort of our homes.